

Our Executive members and volunteers can be contacted directly by e-mail, or you can contact us for general information. Use the form below the list of names to contact anyone directly.

TMAC Officers
Eileen O'Donnell President
Pam O'Day Vice President
Steve Basson Treasurer
Christine Kallipolites Secretary
Lisa Loomis Membership
Nathalie Inho Director (thru 2026)
Missy Bellerose Director (thru 2026)
Martha Davis Director (thru 2026)
Jim Standish Director (thru 2025)
Carla Rash Director (thru 2025)
Laura Bauver Director (thru 2025)
Pam O'Day
Jan Adams Sunshine
Missy Bellerose Books/Magazines
Crystal Utz DVD's/Videos
TMAC Clothing
Louise Traska Clothing Chair
Service Hours
Eileen O'Donnell Service Hours Coordinator

Select the member from the drop-down menu. Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required.